
You've reached my public package repository. Currently, this repository only offers Debian packages, though I hope eventually to also support arch and rpm packages as well.

The repository is maintained by reprepro and a little package publishing framework I wrote called peekaygee. Check it out if you're interested in publishing your own package repositories.


To make this repository available to your system, follow these steps:


  1. Add my public key for verifying packages.
  2. Add my repo to your sources.
  3. Update
KEYFILE_PATH=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d KEYFILE_NAME=kaelshipman.me-archive-keyring.gpg KEYFILE="$KEYFILE_PATH/$KEYFILE_NAME" sudo curl --output "$KEYFILE" "https://packages.kaelshipman.me/$KEYFILE_NAME" echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=$KEYFILE] https://packages.kaelshipman.me/public/deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kaelshipman.me.list >/dev/null sudo apt-get update

Browse packages by just digging through the repository directories (bless my mess).

Note: If the above snippet results in packages not being found or the repository not working, it may be that I haven't updated my repo for the latest releases. Please email me to let me know.